
iOS 6 iPhone 5C tethered downgrade guide

This guide will show you how to install iOS 6 on your iPhone 5C, please note that it is very broken, touch does not work, and the device will kernel panic a few seconds after booting.


I am not responsible for any damage to your devices caused by following this guide. Please proceed with caution and at your own risk.



When I use angle brackets (< >), they indicate placeholders. Do not include the brackets themselves in your input. For instance, <enter> means press the Enter key, and <default value - 4> means you should input the default value minus 4.



First decrypt the RootFS DMG from your iPhone 5 6.x iPSW, you can get firmware keys and file names from The Apple Wiki
dmg extract encrypted.dmg extract.dmg -k <key>

Then convert it to UDZO format
dmg build extract.dmg udzo.dmg

Mount the DMG, take note of the mount point
hdiutil attach udzo.dmg

Enable ownership on the volume
sudo diskutil enableOwnership <mountpoint>

Create a tar from the volume
sudo gtar -cvf fw.tar -C <mountpoint> .


First, we need to boot the SSH ramdisk, enter DFU mode on your device and run Legacy iOS Kit

Then navigate to Other Utilities > SSH Ramdisk and enter 11A470a for the build number, follow the steps to boot the ramdisk, then select Connect to SSH

Now once we are in the ramdisk, we need to partition the disk
gptfdisk /dev/rdisk0s1

Delete the existing partitions
d <enter> 1 <enter> d <enter>

Now create the new partitions
n <enter> 1 <enter> <enter> 524294 <enter> <enter>
n <enter> <enter> <default value - 4> <enter> <enter>

Rename the new partitions
c <enter> 1 <enter> System <enter>
c <enter> 2 <enter> Data <enter>

Write the new partition table
w <enter> Y <enter>

Now we need to create filesystems
/sbin/newfs_hfs -s -v System -J -b 4096 -n a=4096,c=4096,e=4096 /dev/disk0s1s1
/sbin/newfs_hfs -s -v Data -J -P -b 4096 -n a=4096,c=4096,e=4096 /dev/disk0s1s2

Extracting RootFS

Mount the new partitions
mount_hfs /dev/disk0s1s1 /mnt1
mount_hfs /dev/disk0s1s2 /mnt2

On macOS open another Terminal window and extract the RootFS tar over SSH
cat fw.tar | ssh -p 6414 -oHostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-dss root@localhost "cd /mnt1; tar xvf -"
Note: When asked for a password, enter “alpine” as the password

After that completes, we need to move files to the Data partition, back on your device run mv -v /mnt1/private/var/* /mnt2

We need to edit fstab to use the new partitions, back on macOS run
scp -P 6414 -oHostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-dss root@localhost:/mnt1/private/etc/fstab ./fstab
Note: When asked for a password, enter “alpine” as the password

Open it in nano, in macOS run
nano fstab

And edit it to look like this


Send it back to the device
scp -P 6414 -oHostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-dss ./fstab root@localhost:/mnt1/private/etc
Note: When asked for a password, enter “alpine” as the password

Now we need to install fixkeybag
scp -P 6414 -oHostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-dss ./fixkeybag root@localhost:/mnt1
Note: When asked for a password, enter “alpine” as the password

Now create launchd.conf and set executable permissions
nano launchd.conf

And enter the following contents
bsexec .. /fixkeybag

Send it to your device
scp -P 6414 -oHostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-dss ./launchd.conf root@localhost:/mnt1/private/etc
Note: When asked for a password, enter “alpine” as the password

Now back on the device, set UNIX permissions to 755
chmod 755 /mnt1/fixkeybag

Unmount both partitions and reboot the device
umount /mnt1 /mnt2

Patching boot components

First decrypt iBSS and iBEC from your iPhone 5C 7.0 iPSW
reimagine iBSS.boardconfig.RELEASE.dfu iBSS.raw -iv <iv> -k <key> -r
reimagine iBEC.boardconfig.RELEASE.dfu iBEC.raw -iv <iv> -k <key> -r

Patch the iBSS and iBEC
iBoot32Patcher iBSS.raw iBSS.patched
iBoot32Patcher iBEC.raw iBEC.patched -b "-v amfi=0xff cs_enforcement_disable=1"

Pack the iBSS and iBEC into an img3 container
image3maker -f iBSS.patched -t ibss -o iBSS.img3
image3maker -f iBEC.patched -t ibec -o iBEC.img3

Decrypt the DeviceTree from your iPhone 5 6.x iPSW
reimagine DeviceTree.boardconfig.img3 devicetree.img3 -iv <iv> -k <key>

Decrypt the kernelcache from your iPhone 5 6.x iPSW
reimagine kernelcache.release.boardconfig kernelcache.dec -iv <iv> -k <key>

Decompress the kernelcache from your iPhone 5 6.x iPSW
xpwntool kernelcache.release.boardconfig kernelcache.raw -iv <iv> -k <key>

Open your decompressed kernelcache in IDA Pro, make sure your settings are the same as below when opening it

IDA Pro settings for kernelcache

Note: If you get any extra windows just click OK

Once the file is open, navigate to Edit > Select all in the toolbar, then press C, then click Analyze, this may take up to an hour
Note: If it asks “Undefine already existing code/data?” click Yes

Once the kernelcache is fully analyzed, navigate to Search > Text…
Now search for “could not find system ID”

Once the search is finished, you should see something like this

IDA Pro could not find system ID function

Place your cursor just before BL and switch to hex view

IDA Pro BL hex 1

Press F2 and type 00BF00BF and press F2 again, this should replace the highlighted 4 bytes with 00BF00BF

IDA Pro NOP hex 1

Now switch back to IDA view and navigate to Search > Text… again, this time searching for “XIP is still set”

Once the search has finished, you should see something like this

IDA Pro XIP is still set function

Place your cursor just before BL and switch to hex view

IDA Pro BL hex 2

Press F2 and type 00BF00BF and press F2 again, this should replace the highlighted 4 bytes with 00BF00BF

IDA Pro NOP hex 2

Now switch back to IDA view and navigate to Edit > Patch program > Apply patches to input file…
Leave default settings and press OK

Now recompress the kernelcache
xpwntool kernelcache.raw kernelcache.img3 -t kernelcache.dec

Booting the device

Put the device in pwndfu mode

Send iBSS
irecovery -f iBSS.img3

Send iBEC
irecovery -f iBEC.img3

Send DeviceTree
irecovery -f devicetree.img3

Execute DeviceTree
irecovery -c devicetree

Send kernelcache
irecovery -f kernelcache.img3

Boot the device
irecovery -c bootx



If you are having issues with this guide or think something needs to be explained clearer, you can contact me on Reddit or Discord, my Discord username is kaidenac